How We Help
Policy Dialogue and the development of policy platforms have been at the core of SEAMEO RIHED’s work for the region of Southeast Asia. Initially supporting dialogue with the region’s Member Countries and exploring potentials for the creation of a common space in regional higher education, the development of platforms such as SEAMEO RIHED’s Southeast Asian Higher Education Senior Officials Meeting (SEA-HiEd SOM) have ensured dialogue and exchange among the region’s national authorities responsible for higher education and other key regional stakeholders since 2005. Moving forward, the Centre sees a clear opportunity to continue to support the development of the region’s higher education sectors by bringing together policy makers and professionals to learn from leading practices and shape future directions, while also encouraging stakeholder engagement in policy dialogues with other regions to deepen collaboration and inter-regional exchange.
Since 2005, the Southeast Asian Higher Education Senior Officials Meeting (SEA-HiEd SOM), formerly the Meeting of Directors General, Secretary- General and Commissioner of Higher Education in Southeast Asia (DGs/SG/CHE), has served as a crucial platform for national authorities responsible for higher education in the Southeast Asian region to identify priorities, discuss strategies and synergise plans towards the harmonisation and alignment of higher education in the region. In recent years, the SEA-HiEd SOM has been held in conjunction with SEAMEO RIHED's Governing Board Meeting to maximise the time of the region's national authorities and policy makers.