Enhancing higher education for the sustainable future of the Southeast Asian region
When RIHED began in 1959 as the Regional Institute for Higher Education and Development, it set out to facilitate cooperation and enhance the contributions of higher education to social and economic development of the region.
As our regional engagement has expanded under SEAMEO, SEAMEO RIHED continues to engage in close collaboration with SEAMEO Member Countries, SEAMEO Associate and Affiliate Members and our partners across the world as part of our strategy for the future and sustainability of the SEAMEO region. Our new strategic plan has directed SEAMEO RIHED to move away from a ‘business-as-usual’ strategy as it no longer suffices in coping with the increasing complexities, uncertainties, and challenges of the current landscape. The conditions facing Southeast Asia compel SEAMEO RIHED to initiate a strategic transformation towards enhancing higher education for the sustainable future of Southeast Asia.
As part of our continuous efforts to promote the effective implementation of our new strategic plan, SEAMEO RIHED engages in encouraging the fostering of lifelong learners and global citizens as our goal and integrating lifelong learning as a crosscutting issue throughout our programmes and activities as an essential element to help the Centre carry out its strategy the best way possible.
Learn more about our strategy in our 6th Five-Year Development Plan.
Our Transformation Journey
In a world defined by constant change, there comes a time when the speed or amount of change is so dramatic, incremental improvements can no longer ensure success. In these times, transformation is the answer. Transformation for RIHED is seen as a deliberate journey that positions the organisation to move in a new direction to achieve results. Transformation is not incremental, it is comprehensive and affects all that what we do.
The higher education sector can also do more than respond or address a changing world around it, the sector can commit to transform itself and help ensure a more sustainable future going forward. In the same way, and through our own transformation, RIHED will steer a more partnership-driven and sustainability-minded organisation, repositioning ourselves as an inclusive learning organisation committed to sustainable development and as your partner in enhancing higher education for the sustainable future of the SEAMEO Region.
Discover more in our Transformation Report.
Our Commitment to Higher Education and Sustainable Development
To overcome global challenges, partnership, and especially partnership in education is key to stimulate action in areas of critical importance, including our planet, people, and prosperity. Regional and international organisations have increasingly reorganised themselves around global priorities in the form of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the region of Southeast Asia, the Education Ministers have also put forward 7 Priorities on Education from 2015 to 2035 to ensure the relevance and excellence of SEAMEO.
To remain relevant, SEAMEO RIHED commits to participate in the achievement of these regional and global priorities that relate to our mandate and contribute to developing awareness, changing mindsets, and initiating collective action in collaboration with SEAMEO Member Countries, Associate and Affiliate Members and our partners. The Centre commits to contribute towards the achievement of SDGs that align with its mandate and focus, particularly SDG 4 on quality education, SDG 5 on gender equality and SDG 17 on partnership for the goals. At the regional level, our work is closely aligned with Priority Area 6 on Harmonisation of Higher Education and Research of the SEAMEO Education Agenda 2015-2035.
The Seven Priority Areas of SEAMEO on Education were developed to be promoted for a twenty year period from 2015 to 2035 in order to drive SEAMEO to promote excellence in education, science and culture.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Our Mission
To foster cooperation and provide policy platforms among governments and universities to enhance higher education for the sustainable future of the Southeast Asian region.
Our Priorities
Our key priorities, which align with the SEAMEO Education Agenda and the Agenda for Sustainable Development above, form four thematic areas that shape the focus of our work for the region of Southeast Asia.
We contribute to the development of the region by providing platforms for multilateral and inter-governmental dialogue to align higher education sectors and enhance resiliency and sustainability.
We empower countries and academic institutions to help bridge and narrow existing gaps in the region and promote robust and sustainable development of higher education.
Mobility and
We promote inclusive education and enhance mobility and linkages through engagement with regional and international partners to develop global citizens and lifelong learners.
Knowledge Maximisation
We pursue policy research and knowledge projects at regional and international levels to provide policy options and directions to help decision makers make informed decisions.
Cross-Cutting: Lifelong Learning
Our Flagship Initiatives
We work with SEAMEO Member Countries and partners across the world in areas essential to progress in higher education, including building policy platforms and opportunities for dialogue, enhancing mobility and linkages, strengthening leadership, and advancing knowledge maximisation and synergy with partners to move forward as one regional community.