SEAMEO RIHED is pleased to announce that the application for the Call for Consultant is now open, and experts are encouraged to apply!
SEAMEO RIHED has been implementing the Project on Strengthening Leadership with Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (GEDI) in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Southeast Asia since 2022, with the support from the British Council.
The Project aims to enhance the concept of GEDI in institutional management of HEIs in Southeast Asia and to create a collective learning space for leaders to share, reflect and lead changes towards GEDI suited to their individual and institutional contexts.
Phase 1 of the project was successfully completed in 2023 and now we’re looking for a top-notch consultant to work with us for the phase 2 of the Project.
The deadline to apply: 29 May 2024
You can submit your application to Ms. Su Myat Noe, Programme Officer, at sumyatnoe@rihed.seameo.org and cc rihed@rihed.seameo.org
Request for Proposal and documents to apply for the position are in this folder

Disclaimer: RIHED-SHARE does not claim any intellectual property ownership of the content. The copyright belongs to SEAMEO RIHED and the British Council who is the organizer of the above mentioned event.